God has given us all many gifts and calls us to share them. Christ Church is a non-profit. Our worship and service to the community depend entirely upon gifts from you.

If you would like to make a gift to Christ Church, you can mail a check to: Christ Church South Amboy, 257 4th Street, South Amboy, New Jersey 08879. You can also give online at the link below.

When you give online, you can designate your gift to a specific area. You can also set up a recurring gift, which we also call a pledge. Christ Church relies on annual pledges to plan our budget.

Every fall, we run a fundraising campaign for the following year. We call this our annual stewardship drive.

What is Stewardship?

God has given each of us many gifts. Stewardship is our commitment to be grateful, responsible stewards of those gifts. How we use our gifts should reflect what is most important to us. Stewardship is part of our Christian responsibility and applies to money, time, talents, volunteer work – everything! Stewardship builds relationships with generosity.

What is a Pledge?

A pledge is a commitment to support God's work in this parish. This financial commitment supports our parish's mission and ministry for 2022. By pledging, you are investing in your spiritual home so that Christ Church may continue to welcome others in worship and fellowship and to serve South Amboy and surrounding communities. While your gift enriches worship and events on our grounds, your gift supports our mission in all directions

How Much Do I Give?

Christ Church, like every other Episcopal Church, is a non-profit. Everything we do to serve our community is only possible because of the gifts we -+receive.
Deciding on the amount of your pledge starts with prayers of gratitude for all that God has given you. Your decision continues with prayer to God about the role of Christ Church in your life and how this community has shaped you. What are your hopes for Christ Church South Amboy?

Some consider their pledge a sacrificial offering, returning a percentage to God from what God has given. Your pledge should be a joyful reflection of God's generosity and grace at work in your life. Father George Karney always says, "Don't give until it hurts; give until it feels good!"

Our Promise to You

At Christ Church South Amboy, we aim to be the best stewards we can of every gift we receive, as we grow in faith together in Jesus' name.