Sacraments are the most sacred, holy moments of our life together in the church, and all our sacraments happen in community. In our catechism, sacraments are defined as “outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means by which we receive that grace.” (Book of Common Prayer, p857).

Holy Communion

All are welcome to feast on the grace of Holy Communion as we gather each Sunday. Holy Communion is also known as mass, Eucharist, or the Lord’s Supper. It is one of our principle sacraments in the Episcopal Church. In the Holy Eucharist, we encounter Christ and remember his life, death, resurrection, and promise to come again. Also, we receive God’s Grace, or God’s unearned favor towards us and unbreakable love for us.


Baptism is one of the central sacraments of our life in the church. In Holy Baptism, we celebrate our identity as beloved children of God and inheritors of the kingdom of God. A baptism is a celebration in the life of a community as we renew our commitment to embracing God’s love and renouncing evil.

If you are interested in learning more about baptism or in being baptized, reach out to a member of our clergy team or fill out the form below.


One of the ways we can experience God’s love in the world is through the love shared in committed, lifelong partnerships. In marriage, couples make vows before God and the Church and receive God’s support in the new chapter of their lives that they are entering. To be married at Christ Church, you and your significant other must meet with a member of our clergy team three times for pre-marital counseling and planning the ceremony. We ask for at least six months’ notice be given for planning and preparation. Reach out to a member of our clergy team for more information


At Christ Church, we are always ready to support you in your grief.

If you have recently lost a loved one, call us about scheduling a service and some time to plan. 

If you would like to support your loved ones by planning your own funeral, reach out to us about scheduling a conversation. We’ll be glad to discuss every aspect of your plans with you. We also encourage you to work with a lawyer to create a will.


Christ Church offers confirmation once a year as needed. In confirmation, we express a mature commitment to Christ, recommitting ourselves to the promises made on our behalf at our baptism. In confirmation, the bishop lays his hands on the head of each confirmand.
Reach out to our clergy team if you’d like more information about confirmation opportunities at Christ Church.